Japanese page

Welcome!@We are with "GPI Used Car Sales".


The policy of our stock "The safety has priority over all ! "
In this policy, we choose the car.
If we can help find your favorite car, we can feel glad with you.

Hello, thank you for watching this page.

We aim at "Grand Partner International" of the customer.
Thus we named GPI.
We will offer service to you through the communication and vehicle.

Because we like cars, we will find your favorite vehicle.

Therefore we give priority to the condition of the vehicle, as for our stock, a price is slightly expensive.
Do you look for a good vehicle of the condition?
Good luck for your best car-life.
Because condition of vehicle is different one by one, as for the used car, we will recommend that you confirm the condition of the vehicle to a shop.
You can obtain a good vehicle of the condition.

Do you know MOTTAINAI?
Meaning of the Japanese is "It is a feeling to pity to waste a valuable thing".
We like Japanese MOTTAINAI.

If we can help find your favorite vehicle, we can feel glad with you.

Thank you for reading till the last.

GPI Used Car Sales
Sales Manager
Uichi Oizumi (Mr.)

Our vehicle does not put out the radiation.
We will ship always vehicle which passed a radiation measurement test.

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iBusiness guidancej