絵画様式の変遷 Transition of painting style

具象画による注文画の時代 The age of custom drawings by figurative

抽象画の研究に入る(50歳のころ)Enter abstract research (at the age of 50)

慶応義塾大学で「学習を」始めたころ (54歳ごろ) When I started "learning" at Keio University (around 54)

思考絵画の初期のころ(56歳ごろから)The early days of thought painting (from around 56 years old)

Thought painting "The age of straight lines" is also the age when there is a line on the right side "around 58 years old

60歳ごろAround 60 years old

3歳ごろから キャンバスに「四角のくぼみ」を作る Around the age of 63 Make a "square indent" on the canvas

2010年(70歳ごろから) 輪郭線を「波」としての表現いて 現代の表現方法が定着する。

2010 (from around 70 years old) Expressing the contour line as "wave", the modern expression method is established.