初めに!At first


Exhibited at the Italian Venichia Biennale-Two F15s have been decided to marry. Thank you for Gallery Zero. 6月16,17,18日ハンズゴルフにて企画展~横浜新道「藤塚インター下車左2分、バス停新桜ケ丘終点
June 16, 17, 18 Hands Golf Special Exhibition-Yokohama Shindo "FUJIZUKA" Get off at the interchange, 2 minutes remaining, bus stop Shinsakuragaoka end point

9月1日から7月4日までドイツのベルリン・アートフェアとパリのルーブル美術館に出品されたが、ウクライナ紛争の影響を大きく受けた。成果なしです。以後、海外活動は 中止しました。

It was exhibited at the Berlin Art Fair in Germany and the Louvre Museum in Paris from September 1st to July 4th, but was greatly affected by the conflict in Ukraine. No results. Since then, overseas activities have been cancelled.

パリ。 2022年9月1日から4日まで、ルーヴル美術館の企画展「フォーカス」。
残念ながら、販売することができませんでした。 展示品は公的機関や民間団体に寄贈されます。
Paris. From September 1st to his 4th, 2022, an exhibition by the Louvre agency "Focus".
Unfortunately, we were unable to sell it. Exhibits are donated to public institutions or private organizations


In Japan, we are active at the sponsor support company "HANZ Group".

It will end this year as well. Thank you for your interest

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