Humans accept the ambiguity of "grey life"


*明るい色と暗い色の間には かなり広い範囲に、灰色領域がある

灰色の人生は 黒と白と言う二つの極の間にあり、他のいかなる色の色合いも、帯び得る点で、重要である。


通常は かなり広い範囲の灰色領域があり、フイラメントは 幾何学的な点ではなく、

ある大きさがあるので 明るい領域とくらい領域の間には 


ある状況下では 光は 曲がるのである。





 灰色は 人間の心理の最も深層を象徴する色なのかもしれない。

日本は 曖昧性の文化―芸術や国民感情は 黒白が明瞭でない。




Humans accept the ambiguity of "gray life"

* He has a fairly wide gray area between light and dark colors.
Gray life lies between the two poles of black and white, and any other shade of color is important in that it can take on. Colors that symbolize the deepest layers of human psychology Usually he has a fairly wide range of gray areas and the filament is not a geometric point,

Since there is a certain size, there is a space between the bright area and the area.
A penumbra appears.
Careful experimentation has shown that light does not always travel in a straight line,
Under certain circumstances, the light bends.
"When humans embrace the ambiguity of gray life and think about how to add color to life,
The richness of parents is born. I am keenly aware of human misery. Gray on top of gray,
here is the only color that allows freedom.

Since he died in gray, the color that speaks for the suffering of the past,
he had the feeling of being familiar and sympathetic to each other.
Gray may be the color that symbolizes the deepest layers of human psychology.
Japan is a culture of ambiguity-arts and national sentiment are not clear in black and white.

Black and white are clearly passionate in both Italian art and human emotions.
Softer than faithful to geometric afferents.
Focusing on the tone of the focused color can express more realistic perspective.Limk

Couleur et matiere
