The voice said 'We are at War'
And I was afraid, for I did not know what this meant.
My sister and I ran to our friends next door
As if they could help. History was lessons learnt
     With ancient dates, but here

     Was something utterly new,
The radio, called the wireless then, had said
That the country would have to be brave. There was
 much to do.
And I remember that night as I lay in bed
     I thought of soldiers who

     Had stood on our nursery floor
Holding guns, on guard and stiff. But war meant blood
Shed over battle-fields, cavalry galloping. War
On that September Sunday made us feel frightened
     Of what our world waited for.

                Elizabeth Jennings

1)cavarly = 騎兵(隊)
2)utterly = まったく、完全に
3)The radio, called the wireless then, had said = 訳 「ラジオ(当時はワイヤレスと呼ばれていた)は言った・・・」
4)brave = 勇敢な
5)nursery = 子供部屋
6)shed = (血、涙などを)流す

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