yTourist Guidez
In Akita, the snow disappears. So spring will come one month later than Tokyo.
You can see cherry blossoms at mid/latter April. Especially, Kakunodate is well-known as
cherry blossoms view point in Tohoku Area. Very beautiful view with Samurai-House.
Most active season in Akita. You can choose any place to go!
Keyword is as follows;
There are a lot of Hanabi festival in Akita. Most famous Hanabi Festival (Competition) is
Omagari Hanabi Competition, which is on 4th Saturday of August. More than 700,000
people come to see that every year. We think that Japanese Hanabi is the most beautiful
in the world. please enjoy that. More details, see
this site.
Summer Festival"Kanto"
Kanto Festival is famous as one of Tohoku 4 major Summer Fes. You can see at beginning
of August in Akita City. Through the fes period, Akita City is heat up with summer temp.
Out of the period, you can try to carry up Kanto at "Neburi-nagashi museum" in Akita-city.
More details regarding Kant Fes, see
this site.
Feel Nature
In Akita, nature give you much relax and heal. Shirakami-mountains, Hachimantai, Mt.Chokai,
Lake tazawa and so on. we can not count due to too much. More information, see
this site.
Hot Spring
You can choose any type from more than 200 Hot Spring in Akita. Some of that are very
famous, and some of are uses only local people. See
this site,
or contact us, you can get
good information with suitable for you.
In Autumn, most of Akita forest will tune to red. As Akita remains a lot of natures.
Further, autumn is the harvest season. the taste of fresh rise, vegetables is much
different to those which you can buy in city shops.
Akita is famous as snow country. Especially for Yokote and Omagari is much snow than
Akita city. More than 1m'snow come to those places.
In February, there are a lot of winter festival in southern part of akita. For Example,
"Kamakura with fire ball (Kakunodate)",
Inukko fes (Yuzawa)",
"Kamakura with bamboo
battle (Rokugo)", "Big Tug of war (Kariwano)" and so on.
Most Famous Winter Festival in Akita is "Kamakura(Snow House) Festival" in Yokote.
100 of Kamakura are made on the road in Yokote, thousand of small Kamakura are made
along the street. Children in Kamakura will give you traditional non-alcohol Sake, and
baked rice cake. More details, see
this site.