
A. Quantum mechanics is the basis of all stability
. ~ Exploring the order of the universe and grasping and expressing what is sought

要点Main points

a.過去と現代を比較 Comparing the past and the present

b。四次元の時空が生まれる A four-dimensional space-time is born

c。世界時間を時熟させる make world time ripe

d.観おられることは 殺される Being watched kills me.

e.スナップショットは 切り混ぜてもその内部は変化しないSnapshots do not change even if they are cut and mixed.

f..世界の不連続性Discontinuity of the world

g.生の中に空間があるThere is space in life

h.光子は ランダムである。 Photons are random.
i.スナップショットは如何なる特定の順序も持っていない。Snapshots have no particular order.




宇宙の過去は 火の玉のような 星も何もない無構造な時代であったことが確認された。宇宙の初期の大爆発にビックバーンと言う。(量子宇宙をのぞく) 


 時間は 始まり量子物理学によれば、ビッグバンにごく近かったスナップショットどうしは 如何なる特定の順序も もっていない。

時間の系列的な性質が始まったのは ビッグバンではなく、その少し後なのだ。大雑把に言えば、良い近似で系列的だと言える

最初の瞬間が現れたのは 古典物理学が外挿して、ビッグバンがその10のマイナス43乗秒(プランク時間)前に起きたとしている時点である。

時間は 常識が想定しているような直線的な系列とは 根本的に異なっているはずなのだ。(世界の究極理論)


ビッグバン宇宙論に代わるプラズマ宇宙論、ビッグバン理論は 生誕から半世紀足らずで、早くも終焉を迎えようとしているのです

。今の宇宙論のように重力を中心に考えるのではなく、電気と磁場、電流と磁場からの研究により、新しい宇宙論を構成した、ラーナー著「ビッグバンは なかった」


プラズマとは 固体、液体、気体に次ぐ第四の物質の状態のことです。裸の原子核(陽子だけの陽イオン)と電子(自由電子)が別々になって激しく飛び交います





電子の電荷が 我々の宇宙とは 異なる宇宙、あるいは 量子物理学の法則が成り立たない宇宙は 存在しない。

原子の素過程は ランダムに起こり、人間の意図が実験結果に影響を与えると言うもの(量子宇宙をのぞく) 宇宙の原初的な渦動と同調し、共振するところがあり、


全ての結果は現実に起きるにもかかわらず、「ランダム」な結果と知覚する。 初期条件を完全に知ったとしても、多重性、ひいては 運動の予測不可能性は残る。

その一方では 古典的な場合とは 対照的に、ほんの少しだけ異なった初期条件をもつ想像上の多宇宙は 実在の多宇宙とは


。個々のグループの内部では 大きな分化が起きている、予測不可能性と処理困難性の区別は 多分、強調しておく価値があるだろう、

異なる宇宙では 異なる仕方で振るまい、従って、大部分の宇宙では ランダムに見える為だ、どちらの場合でも 予測可能性は どんなに大量の計算をしても、軽減できない、。


Attempts to fuse general relativity and quantum mechanics. The idea that the same law permeates every corner of the universe. If there is a system that unifies the entire universe, it means that the distances between galaxies are getting larger and larger in the expanding universe. I t has been confirmed that the past of the universe was a time without structure, like a ball of fire, with no stars or anything. The first big explosion in the universe is called the Big Bang. (Looking into the quantum universe) According to classical physics, time begins when space has infinite density and occupies only one point, and according to quantum physics, snapshots very close to the Big Bang are arranged in no particular order. not present. The sequential nature of time did not begin at the Big Bang, but a little later. Roughly speaking, the first moment that can be said to be sequential with a good approximation appeared at the time when classical physics extrapolated that the Big Bang occurred 10 minus 43 seconds (Planck time) before the Big Bang. be. Time must be fundamentally different from the linear sequence that common sense assumes. (Ultimate theory of the world) The Big Bang theory, the plasma cosmology that replaced the Big Bang cosmology, is already coming to an end less than half a century after its birth. "He Didn't Cause the Big Bang" by Lerner, who constructed a new cosmology by researching electricity and magnetic fields, currents and magnetic fields, instead of focusing on gravity like current cosmology. Plasma is the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid, and gas. Plasma is a high-energy phenomenon in which bare atomic nuclei (cations consisting only of protons) and electrons (free electrons) separate and fly around violently. There are two types of plasma. a. High-temperature plasma in which both electrons and cations move violently
b. Low-temperature plasma that is said to be effective in maintaining human health and stabilizing the mind” (Sacred Science)
There is no universe in which the charge of electrons is different from ours, or in which the laws of quantum physics do not hold. He says that the elementary processes of atoms occur randomly, and that human intentions influence the experimental results (excluding the quantum universe). It gives a strong sense of life. It can be said that there is a system in place.
We perceive all outcomes as “random” even though they actually occur. Even if the initial conditions are completely known, the multiplicity and thus the unpredictability of the motion remain. On the other hand, in contrast to the classical case, an imaginary multiverse with only slightly different initial conditions would not behave very differently from a real multiverse. So hurricanes may occur in 30.000001% of the universe and not in the remaining 69.999999%. It is perhaps worth emphasizing that there is great differentiation within individual groups, and the distinction between unpredictability and unmanageability. This is because different universes behave differently, so in most universes he appears to be random; in both cases the predictability cannot be reduced by any amount of computation. Let's modify the model to take into account the fact that the multiverse is a continuum rather than a discrete collection of universes, and not all universes are different.

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