③ニュートリノの芸術表現 ~弱い力を波として伝わる。
③ Artistic expression of neutrinos ~ Weak force transmitted as waves


それは もっとも根源的なものである。ニュートリノの性質である。

この素粒子は 地球を貫通するほどの透明性が、高いのです、

弱い力と波として伝わり、ランダムである。弱い力に支配される電子やニュートリノは 強い力では作用されない。

量子論は 客観性という通常の考え方を否定するだけではなく、決定論的に、世界観を破壊してしまったのです。

それぞれの原子、分子には 意志がありませんから、全く、でたらめに、自由に動き回ろうとします。



人の心を強く打つような名演奏ほどの揺らぎの傾向が 強く表れる。

「人の心」を打つ、「美の構造」の中に、宇宙の基本的性質である「揺らぎ」が見事に はんえいしているということである。

揺らぎは 宇宙の根源的性質であるのです。


ニュートリノが 新たな変身をすることを裏付けた「ニュウトリノ振動」と呼ばれる現象で、


C. Artistic expression of neutrinos
Everything that is straight is false. Every truth is a curve. Time also forms a circle. (Nietzsche) a. It is dominated by a weak force, has good transparency, and creates fluctuations unexpectedly. b. “Fluctuation” is the most fundamental thing in the universe c. Travels as a weak force and wave. "Of the four basic interactions in nature, neutrinos are a type of matter made up of elementary particles that do not interact strongly with electromagnetic interactions. The more neutrinos there are, the more decay modes there are. In general, the more decay modes there are, the longer the average lifespan. becomes shorter. The elementary particles called neutrinos are so transparent that they can penetrate the earth.'' ``It is the sudden creation of density fluctuations.'' (Looking into the quantum universe) Electrons and neutrinos, which are controlled by the weak force, cannot be affected by the strong force. Such elementary particles are called leptons, and lepton is the Greek word for "light particles" (What is quantum chromodynamics?) Quantum theory not only negates the usual idea of objectivity, but also destroys the deterministic worldview.'' (The Quantum World) d.Each atomic molecule has no mind or will to act randomly, so it tries to move around freely, completely randomly. His movements would be as free as if he was rolling a perfectly formed die and the numbers that came out were randomly distributed without any regularity. 1/f fluctuation is the result of a movement that attempts to fluctuate as freely as possible. ``1/f fluctuation'' that is friendly to people It seems safe to say that the more famous a performance that touches people's hearts, the more the tendency for fluctuation appears. It is truly amazing that the fundamental nature of the universe, ``1/f fluctuation,'' is beautifully reflected in the ``structure of beauty'' that touches people's hearts. It is known that when he is healthy and relaxed, his brain waves around 8 Hz, called alpha waves, exhibit a beautiful 1/1 fluctuation. ``When there is nothing,'' there is a state in which there is nothing. When positive or negative electricity ``fluctuations'' occur in a certain area for some reason, this triggers the imbalance of electricity to grow, and it appears as if new positive and negative electricity is being created and exists. Masu. Is it okay for him to say that this universe was born invisible to the naked eye, ``like a bubble in transparent water''? This is believed to be the most fundamental nature of the universe.

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