日本語  English  


Color and Matiere


~彩度、明度の適性値は 刺激の強い色彩は 弱いものどうしの差を区別できなくしてしまう。弱い素粒子は エネルギーを増す

 ① 色彩論~明るさの対比が極小の場合に極大となる。

② クオークの色~赤色を帯びたグルーオン

③ 色は自分が付けて見ている~自然そのものには色もない

④ 完全な純色よりも やや彩度を落とす。 表現力を高める人間の心理の最も深層を象徴する色

⑤ 人間が“灰色の人生”の曖昧さを受け入れる ~  黒は有彩色を輝かせる。⑥ 色彩技術~白や色の混色を避ける。

⑦ 色の好み~軽さ、弱さ、複雑さが、好まれるのである

⑧ 色の考え方~今世紀の絵画は 色よりも形を重視する傾向が、すこぶる 強い。

⑨ 絵画技法と耐久性 ~500年以上の耐久性を持たせ色の退化を防ぐ


彩度、明度の適性値は? 刺激の強い色彩は?弱いものどうしの差を区別できなくしてしまう。

弱い素粒子は エネルギィーを増す。




好きな内は 色の使い方などを展覧会などの作品から研究して自分のものとする努力。しかし、自分の色とは成り切れない。

それでも良いかと思うけど 決して、安定はしない。

普遍性は どこえやら、結果的には 色彩理論を研究せねばならない。


その結果、たどり着いたのが 最も良いと思われる色彩、それは「ゲーテの推薦色」や、色彩学専門家の推薦する色など、



色見本は ほとんど参考程度、確定しないのです。

時代の進化によって、彩度が徐々に高くなってくるとも言われておりますので、適正値は 確定しょうがありません。

しかし 彩度を無くすことは 上品さとか 見栄の快さを損なうことになってしまうと思います。

どこまで 彩度を残すかが 問題です。

カンバス全体における色彩のレイアウトは 千々岩英彰教授の理論を参考にし

、色彩も見えは 心理学的アンケートの結果を踏まえております。

輝度~出きるだけ色の混色をさけ 補色等は 重ね塗りとしているのですが、設定する事に 今だ苦労をしております。

(白黒の如く、大差のある事は ニュウトリノの性質にも反し、飽和度を弱める事と成ると言う事でしょう。)

伊勢神宮、桂離宮に見られる茶室の建築、旧金閣寺の建築は ギリシャ建築やキリスト教の教会堂などと比べて、



日本人の美の理想は 芭蕉にいわしむれば、浅い川を流れる水のように あくまで すがすがしく、清らかで軽く、滞りなく、

明るくて さやけさとでも言うものが 美しいとされるのである。

もったいぶったものは それが、ちょっとであっても 臭みとか、重みとか言って嫌うのである。


宇宙の今とここに静まり返っているといった感じで そこにあるのである


8. Color and matiere

-Aptitude values ​​for saturation and lightness make it impossible to distinguish between weak colors with strong stimuli. Weak elementary particles increase her energy

(1) Color theory-Maximum when the contrast between brightness is extremely small.
② Quark color-reddish gluon
③ I'm looking at the colors I'm wearing-Nature itself has no colors
④ He is a little less saturated than a perfect pure color. A color that symbolizes the deepest layers of
human psychology that enhances expressiveness

⑤ Humans accept the ambiguity of "gray life" ~ Black makes chromatic colors shine.
⑥ Color technology-Avoid white and color mixing.
⑦ Color preference-lightness, weakness, and complexity are preferred.
⑧ Color concept-Paintings of this century tend to emphasize shape rather than color, which is extremely strong.

⑨ Painting technique and durability
~ Text that has durability of 500 years or more and prevents color fading What are the appropriate values ​​for saturation and lightness?
What is the most stimulating color?
It makes it impossible to distinguish between weak ones.
Weak elementary particles increase her energy
* Consider saturation and saturation
* It's a pure and light color like the water flowing in a shallow river,
which is the artist's favorite color. In contrast to the past,
which has been said, color is not that simple.

What I like is the effort to study how to use colors from works such as exhibitions and make it my own. However, it cannot be my own color.
I think it's okay, but it's never stable. For universality, he must study color theory as a result.
There were many things that I had to study, such as physics, psychology,
and quantum chromodynamics.

As a result, I arrived at the color that seems to be the best,
such as "Goethe's recommended color" and the color recommended by a color science expert.
Based on that, I chose colors and added what was lacking.
Brightness and saturation quoted Battleson's appearance "brightness and saturation",
but it is very difficult to make colors. It is. The color swatches are almost uncertain for him.
It is said that the saturation will gradually increase due to the evolution of the times, so the appropriate value cannot be determined. However,
I think that losing the saturation will spoil the elegance and the pleasantness of the appearance.

The problem is how much saturation is left.
The color layout of the entire canvas is based on Professor Hideaki Chijiiwa's theory,
and the color appearance is based on the results of the psychological questionnaire.
Brightness-Avoid color mixing as much as possible. Complementary colors are overpainted, but it is still difficult to set. (It will be said that a big difference like black and white will weaken the saturation, contrary to the nature of New Turin.)

The architecture of the tea room seen in Ise Jingu and Katsura Imperial Villa,
the architecture of the old Kinkakuji is Greece. Compared to architecture and Christian churches,
it is lighter, lighter, and feels no weight. You can feel something light.
The ideal of Japanese beauty is Basho, like the water flowing in a shallow river,
he is refreshing, clean, light, and smooth.

Bright and he is said to be beautiful in what is called a whisper. Most of all, he hates it, even if it's a little bit smelly or heavy.
He is there with the beauty of the character of "kana writing" that flows smoothly,
it is really lonely and light, and it feels like it is calming down here and now in the universe.



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