
(2) To nurture the life of Isamu Shimada-Ego's nothingness and logical pursuit


しかし、土は いつか、一本の木を生きることさえできません。やがて、その時が来るでしょう。
今があなたの最高のチャンスです。それでは、目標を設定するために目的を構築しましょう。その木は何ですか?木を探すことは真剣でなければならず、彼は 真剣でなければなりません。社会科学は私に「木を育てる方法を学ぶ」ことを教えてくれました。
ただし、ターゲットにする必要があるのは 1つのエンティティのみです。それはあなたの自由ではありません、それはあなたが守らなければならない約束です。子供の頃、「人生を育てる」という言葉を聞いたことがなかったのは残念です。人を育てるということは、自分の子供を育てるときに考えることです。私にとっては、「頑張らなきゃ」と思いました。同じアーティストになっても、若くて自分を育てる姿勢を意識していたら 今とは違った、より深い人生を体験できたと思います。

② Nurturing the life of Isamu Shimada-Ego's nothingness and logical pursuit Now is the time for humans to "set work goals" and instill the highest hope in their lives. But the soil will not even allow him to live a single tree someday. Eventually, that time will come. Now is your best chance. Now let's build a goal to set a goal. What is that tree? Finding a tree must be serious and he must be serious. Social science taught me to "learn how to grow trees." Then, I learned how to grow "trees" and realized that as my work became more fulfilling, my growth became more concrete. He needs to aim for better "management by value". The dead have no answer. So you can destroy the good, shatter the precious, become "kill" and "criminals", place them randomly, and do ridiculous things. Being a criminal is said to be a creator. So you can destroy good things, shatter valuable things, "kill" them to become "criminals", randomly place them, and perform ridiculous events. Being a criminal is said to be a creator. However, he only needs to target one entity. It's not your freedom, it's a promise you have to keep. It's a pity that I had never heard the word "nurture life" when I was a kid. Raising people is something to think about when raising your own children. For me, I thought, "I have to do my best." Even if I became the same artist, if I was young and conscious of the attitude of raising myself, I think I could experience a deeper life that was different from what I am now. However, this does not mean that it cannot be recovered. If you think about it, you will be able to create a fulfilling work. First of all, I'm completely naked, throwing away all the decorations, becoming innocent, and throwing away the public's reputation, but I have no choice but to concentrate on the study and production of the theory of artistic expression. I think it contains the essence of the first birth above. Then, it is a study of works related to art history, finding a theory that past writers could not understand, and "expressing it concretely in the work". You need to know best that it is important. By embodying that expression, an art style that never existed was born. The best way to grow yourself is to learn a professional theory. And to do that. That was all.


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