②現象学データの価値を重視する~存在論は 現象学としてのみ可能であるp30
Emphasis on the value of phenomenological data
-ontology is possible only as phenomenology



形式となるべきすべを知らぬものには いかなる価値をも認めない。



存在論は 現象学としてのみ、可能である。量化データばかりでなく、現象学的データの価値を重視する。代理物でなく、本物の芸術作品を使う。

.Osborne970は 規則性、単純、形の正確さを好む偏向はないと反論、機械的な関係は 知性を喜ばせるかもしれないが、

退屈で 知覚には 益するところがないと述べた」(視覚芸術の基礎)


自己疎外(精神異常)の除去を目的としなければならないと言う事が真実であるには 心理学至上主義から脱却しなければならない。

『精神病と心理学』精神病は それが健康と言うものの人間らしい矛盾である限りにおいて、健康の持つ真理的真実なのである。

世界は 事実の総体であって、事物の総体ではない。世界は 事柄であるところの全てである(ウイットゲンシュタイン)

問題は 常に出きるだけ広くて深い、そして 正しく特異的な説明を見出すことによって 実在の織物の何らかの側面を理解する事にある。(世界の究極理論)


個人的思考との関連なしに実行される。それは 語る人 自分の言う事の中で自己を表明し、

あるいは 隠す人、言葉を用いて 自己の至高の自由を行使する人、再び 解読されたこれらのしるしは 時間を貫く一種の記憶によって、

<先験性>それは 変環可能な一つの総体なのである。私が<集蔵体>と呼ぶように提案するのは 言表のこれら全てのシステムである

第一に言われる事の法則、明確な形象の内に集まり合い 多様な関係に従って、相互に組みたてられ、特殊な規則性に応じて、互いに維持し合い、ぼかし合う。

今や、歩みを逆転することができる。(.フーコー) 表現とは 決して 全体的なものではない。


2に、ある表現が 図として浮かび上がる際の地との関係(メルロポンチィ)

対象は 確固たるもの、存続するもの。対象の配列は 変更されるもの、不安定なものである。対象の配列が事態を形成する」(ウイットゲンシュタイン)

「プラトンの洞窟によると実在レベルや色や時間によって第四次元を表現しようとするのは 見当違いである。三次元は 立方体を基礎にしている。それに色を当てることである」(四次元の冒険)

* What is true is the whole * He does not recognize any value for those who do not know how to be formal.

* The act of giving vibration is the root. Ontology is possible only as a phenomenology. Emphasis is placed on the value of phenomenological data as well as quantified data. Use real works of art, not substitutes.

".Osborne 1970 argued that there was no bias towards regularity, simplicity, and shape accuracy, and that mechanical relationships might please the intellect, but were boring and had no benefit to perception.

To be true that we must aim to eliminate self-estrangement (mental illness),
we must break away from psychological supremacy. "Psychosis and Psychology" Psychosis is the truth of health,
as long as it is a human contradiction of what he calls health.
The world is a whole of facts, not a whole of things.

The world is everything that is a matter (c)
The problem is to understand some aspect of real textiles by always finding a correct and specific explanation that is as wide and deep as possible.
Performed independently of personal thinking. It is a person who speaks,
a person who expresses or hides himself in what he says,
a person who exercises his supreme freedom by using words.

Once deciphered, these signs are a kind of memory that goes through time, and <a priori> it is a whole that can be transformed. It is all these systems of wording that I propose to call <collection>.

The first is the law of what is said, gathering within a clear figure,
assembled with each other according to various relationships,
maintaining each other and blurring each other according to a special regularity.

Now you can reverse your steps. Expression is by no means an overall one.
First, it teaches that there is no matching linguistic expression for the same thing.
Second, the relationship with the ground when a certain expression emerges as a figure (me)
The target is a solid one and a surviving one. The target array is changed or unstable.

The array of objects forms the situation. " "According to Plato's Cave,
trying to express the fourth dimension by reality level, color and time is irrelevant.
The third dimension is based on a cube. It is to apply color to it."
I think he is a whole decomposing and undefined whole contained in one complete whole.
It is to combine things separated by thought, forcibly hide the distinction in the concept, and tailor the feelings about reality. The true thing is the whole .. Divided and unrealistic things are the essential impetus.

The concrete thing is that he exercises himself only by making it unrealistic by dividing himself.
What is physically special is not a living substance, but a substance that bears knowledge.

It looks irregular inside one universe, but when viewed throughout the universe,
it has a regular structure like a crystal in multiple universes. (world)
In the action of capturing things that exist,
you will not be able to capture anything unless you first experience my own existence.
According to Heidecker, "existence" is the "most universal"
concept of being aware of and exploring the fact that it exists and the state in which it exists.
The fundamental quest is nothing more than defining the question from the one to which the question is directed, while removing the obstacles. There is something that can be confirmed.

When this is reached, the question is that he serves its purpose.
It is understood as the existence mechanism of an existential being.
Temporality is presented as the meaning of the existence of the being that we call the present existence.
It is necessary to fundamentally explain the time as the horizon of the existence understanding content from
the temporality as the existence of a certain existing existence while understanding the existence.

The question about the meaning of existence is completed.
The fact that the central problem of all ontology is rooted and how it can be shown in the fact
that the phenomenon of time is correctly seen and explained correctly.

Ontology is possible only as phenomenology The phenomenological concept of a phenomenon refers to the existence of an existence, the meaning of this existence,
the various variations of this existence, and the ecology of various factions as an indication of oneself. ..

In the being, the characters revealed are that he is not the "uniqueness"

that is in the physical existence of the being that he has the "appearance" of the sword.
Each time, it is a possible way of existence for this existence, and this is the only way.

Only when the existence in the world is understood as the essential mechanism of the present existence,
the insight to see the existential spatiality of the present existence becomes possible.

When unusable, the tools stand out when he is so exposed.
Only if the daily life of the present existence seizes the prime of the moment,
the existence of the "true world" itself, that is, the existence of the present existence is about to exist. Each time, the existence of the being who already exists under it is exposed.

The way of stealing away is exposed.
High Decker's uplifting is the "ability of self-exclusion" that the very being himself will be more existent, richer, cheaper, and more essentially experienced. It is how to relate to such beings.
Immediate self-existence in the existence and nothing of Sartre ... "
It is something that is something, it is something that is not, and something that is not" ...
"It is not something that is, it is something that is not."
It is by freedom that oneself escapes from his essence and its existence.
"Human beings are free." Ilya, globality, spatiality, quantity, toolness, temporality, etc.
come to existence only because I am a denial of existence. An entity that seems to be somewhere,
he said, "it is somewhere" As far as I can think of, I will not call myself something in order to make myself perfect. Existence suddenly becomes the whole being when it is considered in its concrete naked form.

The personal center of human existence is free unification.
Existence means unifying oneself in the world,
and it is premised that abstract things are prioritized in existence rather than concrete things.
The result is the richest. It doesn't matter what the existence is,
the narrator, who is the word,
but what is said and what happens as the existence. A noun is a name for an object,
which is a name for an object that exists closed (independently) in space.

When expressing an object by a noun, separate yourself from that object.
Verb-means collaborative work in which my ego and the body of another person are connected.
What is necessary for life is not only to pursue meaning,
but also to pursue what the will experiences in sleep. Rhythm, time signature, melody, color harmony, repetition,
or he wants to be able to experience meaningless activities in the first place.

Non-existence exists only on the surface of existence The modern episteme was only a fleeting existence,
but I forgot about it and regained the balance too much.
Absolute discontinuity is the highest law between his epistems.
The manifestation of diversity that forms unity begins with what appears to be superficial,
and is the unification of diversity that lies deeper, and this diversity constitutes unity through various manifestations. So we are led back to the dark horizon.
"Logic is called advanced recognition, and aesthetics is called lower recognition" (color form) "
Upper classes like complex paintings" Increased preference for complex paintings and works with a high degree of uncertainty " "The more ambiguous and abstract the philosophical concept, the more universal it is.

The weaker and poorer the material, the stronger the importance of knowledge."
The poorer the intuitive foundation of the material, the poorer it is.
In other words, the ability of the material to reproduce the target object is weak,
and therefore,
the weaker the similarity between the material and the object, the more universal the object becomes.
The poorer the material given, the poorer each interpreter will read on top of that material,
nothing but what they put there. The wisdom of each person becomes more important and allows for a variety of interpretations.
"Hegel, what is truly concrete is the being that contains the essence of the self,
the wholeness that is created by the integrated integral of all abstract momentum,"
he said in that the existence is nullified by destruction. Isn't it?
"Nietzsche does not value anything that defines and forms the artist's basic attitude."

"Imaginary things are much closer and farther than real things.
Being far closer means that imaginary things are actually real things, but the life chart inside my body.
And This is because the flesh that was exposed to the line of sight for the first time, the back side with the body,
is nothing but. " "Including paintings (imaginary) is no longer considered a perceptual ecology, and he must consider perception as a general form of" seeing "including" imaginative "." It is an abstraction of "living" to "seeing".

The apple you can see is what we are trying to see, that is, it hides the fact that the body is alive.
I'm alive because I want to see with my eyes that I'm alive ...

This is because the visible state of the front is symbolized to mean the living state of the back.
It is said that the act of giving vibration is the root, and there is a place where you can feel
the turning-ecstasy and resonate,
and there is a mechanism that makes you feel a strong life when you are in contact with death.
By the boundary and contrast, it works to project the life from the back side.
Emotional motives-No animal is as rich in emotional motives as angry, soothing, laughing, crying, and humans.
In conjunction with the limit of desire,
the amplification of emotions and the richness of the motives Humans realize that they "live."
If you fall into a crippled relationship-the emotions for freedom rise.
If the free state continues for too long, the waves of emotions will not show a wake-up call.
-Assuming overall human recognition


5 絵画の芸術表現に重要なこと
choses importantes dans l'expression artistique de la peinture
