5 絵画の芸術表現
Important things in artistic expression of painting

① 解釈学と構造分析と形態~解釈学レベルこそ、芸術の生命 p29
① Hermeneutics, structural analysis and morphology-hermeneutics level is the life of art

②現象学データの価値を重視する~存在論は 現象学としてのみ可能であるp30
Emphasis on the value of phenomenological data
-ontology is possible only as phenomenology

③ ランダムネスと支離滅裂~言説は ばらばらに自らを不動化するn31
③ Randomness and incoherence - discourse immobilizes itself in pieces

4.自己自身の放棄と自己の歴史化 ~ 自分から離れるn33
Abandonment of the self and historicization of the self - separation from oneself n33


New value and power - conquering distant and past spaces. n34

Biology and Plant Strategy n36






絵画における科学的と透視画法の崩壊、遠近法の絵画空間の崩れ等 古典的透視画法空間を破壊し 空間そのものを再構築した、中心遠近法の廃止である。

観察者から発する消点は もはや存在しない。 この絵の彫塑性は 事物そのものから形成される。


上位の階級は 複雑な絵画が好きである。複雑な絵、高度の不確実性を持つ作品への好みが増す。

~The collapse of scientific perspective and perspective painting
Quantum chromodynamics and artistic expression ~The closer you get, the weaker it appears Text He counters that he has no tendency to like rules, simplicity, and the character of form. The collapse of scientific and perspective painting in painting, the collapse of perspective painting space, etc. This is the abolition of central perspective, which destroyed the classical perspective painting space and rebuilt space itself. The vanishing point emanating from the observer no longer exists. The sculptural quality of this painting is formed from the thing itself. The upper classes like intricate paintings.
Increased preference for complex paintings and works with a high degree of uncertainty.


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